1990 to present day. The last decade saw the company boldly re-engineering its business conduct resulting in dramatic growth. Computerisation of internal systems and controls aided the identification of non-profitable products which were discontinued and increased focus on profitable products. This was instrumental in the formation of Graphiti from the in-house art studio to not only producing artwork and origination for CPL but also for their own external customers. Another addition for servicing smaller customer needs was MaxPak a retail outlet for CPL.

As quality consciousness was primary to the company, it obtained ISO 9001 certification in 1999 boosting customer confidence especially in the ever growing export market. The company also continued its machine replacement program, the highlight of which was the purchase of a six colour Flexographic W & H printer and two Vega bag making machines which enabled the company to become the first Zimbabwean sole provider of a niche market. Rewards were reaped when the company became the first ever Zimbabwean packaging company to win awards in the premier South African Gold Pack competition. International bench-marking of the company’s quality came in the form of an award in the Exxon Mobil Europe OPPack competition, another first for a Zimbabwean company. All the awards were for products printed on the new press.